Sunday, April 21, 2024

tasty tidbits

Your hand, 
smoother than the finest satin, 
whiter than the palest moon,
stirs my heart strings harder every day,
making me your willing prisoner.      

Your body,
which I never fully saw, 
is made of moonshine and milk. 
I know it. 
My hand described it to me, 
My mouth savored it for me. 
A forbidden apple, a fearful pleasure, 
lying down, like a wounded panther. 
We kissed and cried,
and I loved your etheric mind 
& courageous heart.

The ruby necklace 
cuts through your tender neck, 
& I can't move my eyes away.
The blood in my veins runs hasty, 
collapsing pure thoughts, one by one. 
My teeth are hungry for thy soul. 
which your jugular hides behind pearls. 
The ruby necklace calls me, torments me, 
protects you, maroons me.